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TYWLS Fitness Challenge

What is the Fitness Challenge?

The Fitness Challenge is designed to help the students and the teachers of TYWLS to challenge themselves against others, and to be the most fit they can be. Earn a healthier lifestyle and confidence through a series of physical activities and compete against all the teachers and girls of TYWLS! There was winning prize money at the end, plus the triumph of defeating your classmates and maybe even teachers! We decided for the entry fee to be $5. The winner was determined based on the growth she had made. On February 3 - 4, we had the “baseline testing” which tests what your current fitness level is. Then on March 3-4 the midline testing was performed, so that participators could've cheched their progress. The final testing occurred on April 7-8. We used this data to determine the winning teacher team and the winning student team, along with the winning teacher individual and the winning student individual. On the last day of spirit week May 9th, the 2 winning teams and the 2 winning individuals faced-off in a teacher vs. student battle to win the ultimate prize money!

Fitness Intensives 2013

During our Fitness Intensive, we were required to create an account for MyFitnessPal. This app kept our daily records of food we consumed: whether we were eating nutrionally or not. Since I was keeping track of my calorie intakes daily, I realized a different at the end of Intensives. My classmates realized a difference as well and wanted others to feel this way as well! This is why we created the Fitness Challenge: We wanted students and teachers to exercise in a way so they can begin to see results. Not only does working out on a daily basis affect our health, but our eating lifestyle affects it as well. 

Along with 5 other girls, we were responsible to create a website for The Young Women's Leadership School to promote fitness! This website was then advertised during out Intensives Presentations. 

With a partner, I managed to create a video which was presented along our Intensive Gallery Walk to promote students in joining our Fitness Challenge! 

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