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DRUM NYC- South Asian Youth Organization Center

On September 25th, DRUM YouthPower! members organized a People’s Court to hold President Obama and Senator Chuck Schumer accountable to their actions and inaction when it comes to the undocumented immigrant community. Every day 1,100 people are deported and under the current Obama administration, over 2,000,000 people have been deported.  Over 80 DRUM members and allies came out to be a part of the peoples court outside of Senator Schumer’s office to demand justice for all immigrants.

Desis Rising Up & Moving


We declared President Obama to guilty for deporting 2,000,000+ immigrants as well as choosing party politics over people. We also demonstrated how he is guilty for delaying executive action for Administrative Relief. Senator Chuck Schumer was declared guilty as well. By holding out posters in front of his office, we wanted him to realize that he has been prioritizing profits over people by pushing billions for increase enforcement while taking campaign contributions from private prison industry. He was pleaded guilty for writing harmful legislations and to remain silent to the Presidents delay of Administrative relief. By pretending to be 'The People's Court' we found both of these 'defendants' to be guilty on all counts1

The People’s Court for Crimes Against Immigrants


Rain or shine, the protest had to go on!

Bullying & Restorative Justice

During this year’s DSC Week of Action, students, parents, teachers and advocates across the country held over 100 events in 52 cities to raise awareness about the #SchoolPushout crisis in our nation’s schools and to help launch and support local campaigns.


DRUM youth members and allies held a community speak out to discuss issues of bullying, and the need for guidance interventions and restorative justice rather than punitive policies. They strategized on how to make their schools a supportive learning environment for all, and bring an end to the school-to-prison pipeline.

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