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I have honestly never made an English portfolio so I'm hoping this goes well! I have never really been the type of person to enjoy reading although that changed towards the ending of Sophomore year when we read The Glass Castle and Looking for Alaska. Honestly, reading has been such a different experience for me now that I actually read books I like. Enjoy my blog filled with many different varities of English text! It will show you what kind of person I am as a reader and writer as well as what kind of books interest me in particular. If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to contact me!

Who Am I As A Reader?

As a little kid, I used to love reading. I remember going to the library daily with my mom. My first ever library card was like winning a million dollars - it meant everything to have a card as valuable as that. Now, my love for reading isn't quite that strong but whenever I pick up a great book, I can't stop reading. Reading isn't exactly an everyday activity for me, but I occasionally do it. If the book contains modern teen fiction, any mystery/suspense or even romance, I'm down to read it. When I'm captivated by a book, I get really into it! I won't stop; I'd close the door, turn on my music, go on my bed and just continously read without talking to anyone. When I'm in my reading zone, nothing can get to me. I am the happiest person ever. 

Who Am I As A Writer?

I personally enjoy writing and always did from kindergarten to now. I remember my kindergarten teacher telling my mom I learned to write fast which she was quite impressed with. My mom has been telling me ever since that there was always a pen in my hand -writing God knows what. Now that I've entered high school, writing has changed and it is harder to write a good piece due to high expectations. Essays don't really impress me but when it comes to writing short stories, count me in. When I write, I always write with my personal experience which means my writing always says who I am as a person. 

Beginning of the Year Reflection

In English class this year, I believe that the year will pass by really fast but we will miss it. So far, I'm having a lot of fun because it's not like the English classes I've had before. Now that we are maturing as young adults, we get treated better and have more freedom. I like being a junior especially in English class because I know that my writing and reading skills will improve from now to the end of the year. When we did the 6 Word Memoir, I already knew that this year will be a blast because we get to learn new types of writings by having fun at the same timeI am looking forward to learning new information with Christy, our amazing English teacher! Hope this year turns out the way I am expecting it to.

Scroll towards the bottom for the recent posts. The very beginning starts at the top of this blog! Thank you.

"Libraries were full of ideas – perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons."

- Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you."

- Mortimer J. Adler. 


"From that time on, the world was hers for the reading. She would never be lonely again, never miss the lack of intimate friends."

My writing process always involves a lot of drafting. Just like every other writer, it takes time for me to get to my final master piece. In order to write my first writing piece for English 2014-'15, I made a story board which demonstrated my own thinking process as well flowed. 

Writing Process:

"Reading is dreaming with open eyes."

This I Believe Reflection

As I started writing my This I Believe essay, I had many ideas which springed to mind. My brainstom was completely full of diverse topics and I wanted to explore every one of them! However, since we only had to make it 500 words, I decided to focus on a topic that would not require a lot of explaining but will show a lot to the reader about me. This is why I decided to write about New York City - I wanted it to relate to my 6 Word Memoir I created. Ever since I was a child, the city has always inspired me about my future. Many business workers and models roam their streets which always led me to think how successful I want to be in my life as well. I decided to choose this topic when I was shopping with a few friends in Manhattan. All the lights and rush made me realize writing how this topic will be very easy for me. When I began writing about New York, I opened up Google Docs and spilled all my thoughts online. I wrote about my childhood memories, my favorite moments in the city, favorite shopping centers but most importantly, how it shaped me as a person. 

Lord of the Flies & The Bluest Eye Reflection

I have read the Lord of the Flies as well as The Bluest Eye which are both classic books. These two books are similar because they both told their stories from different perspectives. From this, the readers got to have a sense of what most characters in the text are thinking and feeling. Another similarity I personally think is that both had a plot which made it easier for the reader to remember the book. I tend to forget most books I read but these classic books have plots which makes it hard to forget - they are those types of books that readers will most likely remember. It was a wonderful experience reading these books because I felt like I was in the shoes of the characters that showed up in the book. I am used to reading teen fiction about ordinary teenagers living their life. However, when I came across these classics, I realized that I would have never known about them until Christy had made us read it. Before I read these texts, I felt that high school students should read whatever they want and should not be required to read classics. However, my opinion had changed now and I think that all high schoolers should! Before we graduate from high school, I think students should be required to read at least two classics. These 'great works of literature' are most likely to stick to the readers mind which will help them in so many ways - for their English Regents as well as their SAT critical essay. Therefore, I am glad we were assigned to read these two books because they seem to stick to my head due to the amount of interest I had towards them. 

English Regents Reflection:

Honestly, the 'Regents Boot Camp' was very helpful. It helped me fully understand what I needed to know for what was on the regents.  The different stations we had were very useful because Christy knew that we all are on different stages and that we have to work on our own pace. Because of these stations, I got to work on what I needed to improve on the most: the multiple choice questions. Also, the Regents packet Christy made us put together was very handy because that's what I studied with the whole weekend. Christy's preparation was perfect! Breaking down the English Regents helped me fully understand each section. I have a few goals about the second half of the year, and that is to read more books! I heard that reading more books can lead to a higher SAT score and that is exactly what I'm aiming for. I want to read a lot of books before I take the actual regents in May to get the score of my dreams! 

This is my group's character analysis for Acts 1 & 2 of Macbeth by Shakespeare

Macbeth Reflection

Reading Macbeth was an exciting challenge for me because I have never read any of Shakespeares' works before! Trying to read Macbeth was like a puzzle, because I tried breaking down everything sentence by sentence. Once I understood what was happening in the passage, I was able to determine the subtext behind each character's lines. Like I have stated before; reading Shakespeare is like a puzzle. When I was trying to figure out the tone and meaning behind what the characters were saying, I had to use context clues. For example when Lady Macbeth stated in (2.2.24), "A foolish thought to say a sorry sight", we were able to draw the conclusion that she said it in a rude tone and that she would emphasize the word 'foolish'. First, we had to determine the type of character she is. Since she tried to talk Macbeth into the murder and seemed fine with the fact of killing someone, I classified her as a heartless woman. From there, it was easier for me to determine the subtext of her lines.    


I have learned a lot about Shakespeare even though I have only read one of his works. Macbeth helped me view Shakespeare in a different way than how I viewed of him before I read his literature. At first, I thought Shakespeare was just like most writers 'back in the days' - used old english and talked about characters falling in love. Instead, he surprised me with his numerous sexual comments reworded to not make it seem that way. Shakespeare was indeed a mysterious man and I am glad I finally got to realize the real him! I have always heard that Shakespeare's works were boring but in my opinion I enjoyed reading because I liked breaking down everything to understand what he was trying to say. Reading Shakespeare was indeed a challenge, but it was all worth it!





Subtext Art

College Essay & Final English Reflection

After finishing the narrative non-fiction unit, I realized that authors incorporate numerous amounts of literary elements to keep their narratives interesting. By reading Bossypants by Tina Fey, I was able to depict numerous writing techniques to create my own college essay. I actually am proud of my college essay because at first I honestly did not know what to write about. However, after I visited the links on Christy's website, I was able to find articles that really helped me create my college essay. 


11th grade English was quite interesting because it allowed to me read like a writer most of the time because I learned about a lot of literary elements (which I did not know of before). Honestly, this year I got to learn a lot about the various writing techniques which I was able to apply to my college essay altogether at the end. I hope to continue to learn more about writing as a genre because this year has made me realize that I really am fascinated by literature. What didn't quite work for me at first was reading Shakespeare because the language was completely new to me. However, as the unit went by, I began to get more used to Shakespeare's wriitng style. Although I struggled at first through some units, I managed to keep up with my work. 


Next year in ELA, I hope to learn more about the different writing techniques that exist so I can incorporate them into my own college essay (which I will hopefully have fully revised before college applications are due). English class this year has made me, both, a reader and a writer. I hope to improve my reading and writing skills with the English class I take next year. 


Final 2014-2015 Reflection

This year was truly a year to remember. I remember hearing from my older friends that junior year is a struggle and it's hard to maintain a good GPA while trying to pass tests. However, I am proud to say that I have successfully passed this year with the average I was looking forward to. I also passed my tests with scores I am proud of as well. Looking at my transcript, I realized I grew academically as a student. In 9th grade, my average was lower than my 10th grade average while my 10th grade average is lower than my 11th grade average: I have successfully been able to make my average in junior year the highest out of all my averages in high school. 


The risks I took this year was going for an Advanced Regents Diploma which had meant I was required to take the Trig regents - a test I was very frightened to take. However, I'm glad I took this risk because I passed my test with a score I did not expect but am proud of! Next year, I want to be able to take the same risk by taking classes that I think may be difficult for me. This way, colleges can see that I am both mentally and physically prepared as a student for any challenges I face. 


Some habits I would like to change about myself is procastinating! Like many other high school students, I tend to do my work at the end but still manage to hand it in the day it is due - I hate submitting in late work which is why I always have to hand it in on time. That's one habit of mine that I'm proud of. 


Overall, I think I've grown as a student and I hope to continue to strive my best throughout senior year!

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